Since some of our children have ADHD and ADD, we spend a lot of our days adapting homeschooling lessons for them. We’ve talked extensively about ADHD homeschooling on the blog, and here’s a look at all of our ADHD-related posts.
ADHD Homeschooling Tips
Our 2014-15 ADHD Homeschool Schedule – Our homeschool schedule looks a little bit different than most. Check out our ADHD homeschool schedule for this year.
Our ADHD Homeschool Room Layout – We’ve had to make some adjustments to our homeschool room to accommodate our children’s learning needs. See how we make our homeschool room ADHD-friendly.
My Favorite Things for Homeschooling with ADHD – Using items that allow our kids to move during lessons have helped us a lot. This post highlights some of our favorite ADHD homeschooling tools.
3 Tips for Raising Boys with ADHD – Boys with ADHD can pose a real challenge, especially if they’re the squirmy wormy type! Here are a few tips that have helped us parent our active boys.
Homeschooling as a Mom with ADHD – What about when Mom has ADHD? It’s a struggle, but it’s still possible to homeschool!
5 Things That Make ADHD Homeschooling Easier – Five of my must-haves for homeschooling our active kids!
Math Bafflers: Introducing Logic to Kids with ADHD – How we used Math Bafflers to get our oldest ADHD child to discover logic!
10 Math Activities for ADHD Students – Have a child with ADHD who hates math? Try these 10 simple, hands-on math activities!
Managing ADHD Math Problems with Mr. D. Math – Our experience using Mr. D. Math to teach pre-algebra to our middle schooler with ADHD!
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Kids with ADHD – A huge list of links to help you homeschool your child with ADHD successfully!
iLS Music Therapy for ADHD – Have you heard of music therapy for treating ADHD at home? See how we used the Integrated Listening Systems program to work with our kids!
Why We Love Using CTC Math for ADHD Kids – Our younger ADHD kids thrive with CTC Math. Check out how the program works for active learners!
Using Bouncy Bands for Kids with ADHD – Bouncy Bands are basically the perfect fidget for teaching children with ADHD. See how they work for our kids!
15 Homeschool ADHD Schedule Ideas – Nothing is worse for teaching kids with ADHD at home than being inconsistent. But it can be hard to find a good ADHD homeschooling schedule that actually works. Try these ideas!
10 of the Best ADHD Homeschooling Tips Around – After homeschooling for eight years, we’ve collected some of the absolute best tips for homeschooling kids with ADHD. Give them a try with your children!
We’ve also covered how we teach individual subjects to our kids with ADHD. Read about our specific subject plans below.
How I Teach Fine Arts to My Kids with ADHD
How I Teach History to My Kids with ADHD
How I Teach Science to My Kids with ADHD
How I Teach Math to My Kids with ADHD
How I Teach Language Arts to My Kids with ADHD
Homeschooling with ADHD Series
When we first started blogging, we shared a series on what it’s like to homeschool children with ADHD. This condition literally affects every aspect of our homeschooling life – from how our children learn to the way that we teach them. All of the series posts are gathered below for easy reference.
Homeschooling with ADHD: Managing Expectations
Homeschooling with ADHD: Adapting as a Teacher
Homeschooling with ADHD: Preparing Kids to Learn
Homeschooling with ADHD: Making Lifestyle Changes
Homeschooling with ADHD: Considering the Other Kids
31 Days of ADHD Homeschooling Series
Our 31 Days of ADHD Homeschooling series packs a month’s worth of tips for ADHD homeschooling into one series! Check it out and get even more suggestions!
Want more help for homeschooling kids with ADHD? Grab our ebook “Homeschooling with ADHD“! It’s got suggestions for kids (and parents) who are living with ADD/ADHD!
Homeschooling with ADHD eBook – Look! We’re Learning! Store
And be sure to follow my ADHD Homeschooling board on Pinterest where I share tons of resources and tips for ADHD families!