We decided to take a homeschooling break and put our three oldest children in public school for a while. It’s been….interesting. If you’ve ever considered putting your kids in public school, take a look at what it’s been like for us in The Great Homeschool Public School Experiment!
The Great Homeschool Public School Experiment: Breaking the News
The Great Homeschool Public School Experiment: School Shopping on a Budget
The Great Homeschool Public School Experiment: Adjusting Our Schedule
The Great Homeschool Public School Experiment: Dealing with Homework
The Great Homeschool Public School Experiment: Plenty of Alone Time! Or Not…
The Great Homeschool Public School Experiment: Unwelcome Attitude Changes
Why I’m Choosing to Homeschool Again
What My Homeschooled Children Taught Me about Public School
This series is part of the 2015 iHN Winter Hopscotch! Click over to read other homeschooling and parenting posts from our fellow iHN bloggers!