Pooh has been saying that he wants to be a firefighter for the last few months. We went to a community helper event at our local library over the summer and he got the chance to shoot a fire hose (with help). He’s been on a firefighter kick ever since.
So, it was a good time to really learn about what firefighters do. I got the idea by reading an excellent kids’ magazine with Pooh, which I’ll be sharing next week. After we read an article about firefighters, we used what we learned to springboard into a firefighter unit study! Check out some of these resources below!
Firefighter Unit Study
What Do Firefighters Do?
Learning about firefighters involves getting a look at what they do all day. Watch the video below with your kids and then ask them to answer the questions that follow.
1. Name at least two things firefighters do at the start of each day. ( Possible answers: Check the outriggers to make sure the ladder comes up, start the equipment to make sure it runs properly, check the lights and sirens, clean the kitchens and bathrooms, mop floors.)
2. How high does the fire truck ladder extend? (Answer: 115 feet)
3. How heavy is the rescue dummy used in the fire training exercise? (Answer: 125 pounds)
4. What is the difference between a pumper truck and a ladder truck? (Answer: A pumper truck is used for EMS calls, fire attacks, and car accidents. A ladder truck is used for roof operations.)
5. How long does a firefighter’s air supply last? (Answer: About 30 minutes, depending on how fast he or she breathes)
6. Why do firefighters need to connect to fire hydrants? (Answer: Fire trucks carry 500 gallons of water, which only lasts 2 1/2 minutes. The firefighters need to connect to fire hydrants to get more water.)
7. What color helmet does a battalion chief wear? (Answer: White.)
8. Name at least two pieces of personal protective equipment that firefighters use. (Possible answers: Steel-toed boots, suspenders, Nomex hood, helmet, mask, oxygen pack, heat-safe gloves, heat-safe jacket.)
Firefighter Activities and Crafts for Kids:
Make learning about firefighters into a hands-on activity with these fun firefighter crafts!
1. Fire Ladder Learning Activities – JDaniel4’s Mom: Little ones can learn how fire ladders work with this adorable list of math, reading, and pretend play activities!
2. Fire Safety Smart! Printable Pack – Look! We’re Learning!: Help your kids learn about fire safety and how to plan an escape route for your home with this hands-on printable pack!
3. What Puts Out a Fire? Experiment – I Can Teach My Child: This is a super simple science experiment that demonstrates how firefighters put fires out!
4. Spanish Fire Safety Resources – Discovering the World Through My Son’s Eyes: Great resources here for learning about fire safety and Spanish at the same time!
Kids’ Books about Firefighters:
If you want to learn more about what firefighters do, check out these great kids’ books about firefighters! (P.S.: We’ll be sharing even more great firefighter books in an upcoming post!)
1. A Day in the Life of a Firefighter by Heather Adamson
2. Even Firefighters Hug Their Moms by Christine Kole MacLean
3. Fly Guy Presents: Firefighters by Tedd Arnold
4. Curious George and the Firefighters by H.A. Rey
[…] your students about fire safety, but in many states, it is also a curriculum requirement. This unit study is filled with great ideas and answers to questions your students may have. Be sure to supplement […]