Welcome to the first post in our ongoing series “How to Afford Homeschooling”! For the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing some tips that I’ve found to be useful in affording homeschooling so far. This week’s topic is “Having the Talk”.
What is “the Talk”? The it’s-time-to-get-serious-about-our-finances talk. Christopher Robin (the husband) and I have had that talk several times over the years. Interestingly, lots of couples don’t talk about money. And it’s no wonder. Disagreements about money are some of the most commonly cited factors in marital troubles. But, we didn’t want to risk losing our family’s future over something we could fix together.
During our heart-to-hearts, we’ve literally made a list of things we could start doing and continue doing to save money so that he could be home more often and get more involved in the kids’ schooling. And these are the things that I’ll be sharing with you during the series.
Here’s a breakdown of the topics we’ll be covering:
- Finding Free Homeschool Resources
- Making Friends with Your Local Library
- Saving Money Around the House
- Cooking Cheaply
- Generating Extra Income
- Avoiding the Trap of Consumerism
If you’re facing a financially uncertain future, homeschooling can easily take a back seat to worries about paying the bills. Having “the Talk” may be just what you need to help you develop a practical method for continuing to homeschool, even if you have to make serious budget adjustments.
Have you faced a financial crisis? How did you and your family meet the challenge of continuing to afford homeschooling? Let us know in the comments!
Keep on learning!

I’m looking forward to these posts – I’m interested in your experience and suggestions!
Aw, thanks! Hoping I don’t disappoint! 🙂
I’m subscribing because I’m very interested in this series!!
Yay! I hope you see something that is useful to you and your family!
This comes at a perfect time for me! I am a newly single Mom. I have stayed home with the kids for 9 years, homeschooling them, and would like to continue, but finances will be snugger than ever as I go through my divorce. I’m looking forward to reading your series in the future!
Thanks for your comments! I’m sorry that your situation is so uncertain right now. I’ll be writing a post in a few weeks about Generating Income that may give you some income tips. 🙂
I think that money is such a hard topic! My husband and I started out living the typical consumer driven American lifestyle, and then I had my first baby and that all changed. I wanted to be at home, and so we had to make changes. Add in homeschooling, and yes, it is a challenge! But, it is definitely workable! You need to concentrate on your priorities, and if homeschooling is one of them (as it is for most homeschoolers) you will figure out a way to make it work 🙂 Looking forward to the rest of this series!
I completely agree. We nearly always find ways to do the things that are important to us. Thanks for stopping by!