Long, hot summer afternoons are made for playing inside.
Well, that and ice cream cones.
As much as I love letting my kids play outdoors in the summer, we live in the Deep South. Which means that once it gets to around 1:00, the temperature is close to 100.
So it’s time to head indoors.
Which is where this Rescue the Shark printable battleship game comes in handy!

This is a fun and simple indoor game that you can let the kids play together. It only requires a couple of supplies and it’s sure to keep them entertained for a while.
So you can enjoy a glass of lemonade (or an ice cream cone) in relative peace.
Read on to see how to play this game and how to score your copy – free!
And, don’t miss our printable Shark Food Chain File Folder Game too!

Printable Rescue the Shark Battleship Game
To play this printable Rescue the Shark Battleship Game, you’ll need the following: (This post contains affiliate links. For details, see our Disclosure Policy.)

If you’ve ever played the classic board game Battleship, this is basically the same idea.

Each player starts by folding their game board in half.
The top half should show “My Animals” and the bottom half should show “Their Animals”.

Then each player chooses spots on the “My Animals” section to draw their sharks.

The goal is to “rescue” the other person’s sharks by calling out the correct coordinates in which the other player has drawn them.
The first player to rescue all of their opponent’s sharks wins!
Scroll down to get your copy of this printable Rescue the Shark Battleship Game!
Try some of these other printable game ideas for kids!

To get your copy of this Rescue the Shark Printable Battleship Game, click the image or the link below to download it directly to your computer!

> Rescue the Shark Printable Battleship Game <

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