Piglet is 19 months old now and we are certain that our baby days are over. (I mean, everyone’s sharing a room, so yeah.) And I have to say that I am completely surprised by how difficult it’s been to get rid of her last pair of baby shoes.
These little shoes have been sitting by our garage door for the last two months. Two months. I’m supposed to put them in a bag and take them to the clothing collection box, but I just can’t seem to do it.
Don’t get me wrong: I have no desire to be pregnant again. And I certainly have no desire to experience labor and delivery again. But the finality of admitting that I’ll never snuggle a newborn or nurse during the night or rub the bottom of a soft baby foot that’s never touched the ground makes me sad. And the fact that this means I’m definitely getting older and entering a new phase of my life isn’t the most welcoming thought either.
Meanwhile, Piglet is making it very clear that she’s not a baby any longer. She’s running through the house, saying any word she can think of, and beginning to throw tantrums. So I know the baby years are over for us. But I just can’t get rid of the shoes.
How did you make peace with the fact that your baby years were over? Do you still struggle with feelings of baby lust? How did you transition into a new phase of motherhood? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!
Since I’m an emotional mess these days, this made me cry.
Baby Daniel is growing like a weed, while Maeve is 2 going on 10.
Anytime you need a baby cuddle, you can call me. Hugging babies makes the world right.
Thanks!!! Motherhood is wayyyyy harder emotionally than I thought it would be. I’m happy to see them growing up, but I’m sad there are no more babies. I don’t want to be pregnant again, but I want to snuggle newborns. It’s so confusing!
I’d keep the shoes! I have a shoe box for each child that holds a few things from each of them. My “baby” is ten now and I only get baby lust a few times a year now. It doesn’t last very long. I understand what you are going through.
Blessings, Dawn
I think I’ll keep them too. My husband said we should get rid of them, but I noticed that he hasn’t taken them out yet either. Hmmmm… 🙂
Such a sweet post. My son is 27 but I still have lots of his things.
Oh, that makes me feel better. She might even like to have them herself as a gift when she’s grown. 🙂
We moved when my youngest was 15 months. And we moved rather quickly. So, I went on a big purge, getting rid of things that I knew we wouldn’t need. It helped to get it all out in one big swoop.
I’m done having babies… my youngest is now 6! And sometimes I get a baby craving, but it passes when I remember how much I like sleep and having kids who can do so much on their own!
Yes! I don’t think I could ever give up my sleep again. Good point. 🙂
You know, I believe God puts that desire for children within women. After our last child was born, and dh made use it was the last one, I was so sad. I grieved for about 2 years. Letting go of the maternity clothes, then the nursing clothes, then the baby things, then the “maybe someday” baby things… it was all a process for me to get to the point of acceptance.
And then! It was like God said, “Okay, now that you’re done pouting, here’s another child.” He softened my husband’s heart toward adoption, and we now have THREE more kids.
All that to say, there are seasons. You may be done for now, but you never know what life has for you around the corner and down the road a bit.
I agree with you. I didn’t want kids until I got married, then I wanted a house full of them! Thanks so much for your kind words. 🙂
It’s hard isn’t it? I have to say I just threw away a pair of shoes because they were completely trashed from my boy riding his trike and dragging his toes on the floor. The other pair though will be going in a shadow box so we can keep them.
My youngest of two girls just turned a year old. Every milestone she reaches is bittersweet because I know it’s the last for us. If I were you I’d keep the shoes. I have a few clothing items that I’ll be putting in frames, etc. This post was truly enjoyable and brought me back to reality.
Thanks for sharing at the SHINE Blog Hop!
Ooohh…I should definitely frame them. Great idea!