If you have a child with ADHD, you might find that sitting down to teach math is…a bit of a challenge.
Well, in my family, the word “challenge” isn’t quite strong enough to describe how difficult math lessons can be. Let’s try “cage match to the death”. I think that’s more accurate. 🙂
My wiggly kids resist anything that requires sustained mental effort, due to issues with executive function, so learning math concepts is their least favorite thing to do. As a result, I’ve had to take math off the page and into their hands to make some ideas really stick.
So – if your child with ADHD struggles with math, you might want to try these 10 math activities for ADHD students. They’ve worked wonderfully in our house!
Image c/o: Nadezhda1906 / depositphotos
10 Math Activities for ADHD Students
- Use LEGO blocks to construct 3D Bar Graphs.
- Make Math Factor Snowflakes and hang them in your window.
- Show kids how to cut and paste simple repeating math patterns.
- Have children work out tens and ones with Unifix cubes.
- Practice math facts while doing a simple exercise or having a Brain Break.
- Teach math concepts in a foreign language, such as how to count in Spanish or Sign Language.
- Use math lapbooks to help kids visualize math concepts and memorize basic facts.
- Combine math with reading by using math storybooks such as Life of Fred.
- Drill kids on basic math lessons, including fractions, polygons, and telling time using flashcards.
- Create math art, such as coloring grids on graphing paper.
Be sure to check out my ebook “Homeschooling with ADHD” for more help to teach your ADHD child at home!
Want even more fun math ideas? Try these book suggestions!
And be sure to follow my Math Mania board on Pinterest!