“Moooommmm! I’m hungry!!!!” If you haven’t heard those words yet, I’m not sure you’re actually a parent. 🙂
When our kids went to public school for a few months last year, they always came home ravenous. So I had to get very creative about finding food to make into snacks for them. After a couple of weeks, I came up with a go-to snack list that really saved me in the afternoons. So I’m sharing some simple after school snacks for kids today!
Today is also Tuesday, which means it’s time for another edition of the Laugh and Learn linky! Check out our favorite posts from last week and get some more parenting and homeschooling encouragement below!
5 Simple After School Snacks for Kids
Tired of rummaging through the fridge in the afternoons to find something to feed your kids? I know I was. And that’s when I realized that I didn’t have to come up with something different every week. I could just rotate the same snacks out every week and make meal planning a LOT easier.
Check out my go-to list of 5 Simple After School Snacks for Kids over at Thinking Outside the Sandbox!
5 Simple Afterschool Snacks for Kids – Thinking Outside the Sandbox
Linky time!
Welcome to our 57th week of Laugh and Learn – Homeschool and Parenting Linkup!
Laugh and Learn – Homeschool and Parenting Linkup will be open by 6 am every Tuesday morning.
Each and every week, all of the hosts pick one favorite post to be featured on the next week’s linkup. All of your links will be shared on five blogs.
We are also sharing the top posts on Pinterest: #LaughLearnLinkup {Featured Favorites}. It’s added exposure for your awesome content!
Reminder: Please share this linkup! You can help us build a great homeschool and parenting group.
[bctt tweet=”Share your favorite #parenting or #homeschooling post with #LaughLearnLinkup. #ihsnet #ibabloggers”]
Your Fabulous Hosts 😉
Tina lives abroad in Latin America with her husband and four children. Currently in Mexico, Tina is active in homeschool, travel, and her Bible ministry. She blogs about all of their adventures, and more at Los Gringos Locos.
Find Tina at her blog link above, and on the following social media networks:
Google +
Selena is a writer and a homeschooling mom to four kids, including three with ADHD/SPD. Selena and her husband, Jay, are committed to teaching their children at home and loving every minute of it! You can read about the family’s homeschooling experiences at Look! We’re Learning, written by Selena!
Find Selena at her blog link above, and on the following social media networks:
Google +
Sarah lives in Kentucky, USA, where she and her husband homeschool three children. Sarah writes for and about, families with special needs. She hopes to provide support and encouragement to all special needs parents in the homeschool community. Visit Sarah at Dedicated Homeschooler.
Find Sarah at her blog link above, and on the following social media networks:
Haley hopes to encourage stay at home moms. She wants to help them learn how to make an extra income, to stretch a budget, to make crafts, and other useful information. Haley always has updates on the kids, and their funny antics. Visit Haley at Haley’s Vintage Finds & Deals.
Find Haley at her blog link above, and on the following social media networks:
Stumble Upon
Lindsey is a passionate writer eager to touch the hearts and minds of homeschoolers and parents abroad. As a devoted mother to two, happy homeschooler, and scatterbrained housewife, she’s on a mission to find love and joy in “the simple life” and invites you to join her! Visit Lindsey at Nitty Gritty Homeschooling. Find Lindsey at her blog link above, and on the following social media networks:
Grab a Button / Badge:
If you were featured this week, we would love for you to use this badge below. We really appreciate all your hard work, and sharing with us each and every week!
We would also love if you could use this badge on any post you shared with us. Or a text link would also be greatly appreciated. More shares and links helps us build a better and bigger linkup for all us to benefit from.
The Winners for the Week of October 27th:
Tina’s pick for this week…
Note from Tina:
It’s important to teach our children about the lands and people of our beautiful planet. It will help our kids learn to love diversity and broaden their horizons.
[bctt tweet=”Help your children learn about other cultures with pack by @momteaches2 #LaughLearnLinkup”]
Selena’s pick for this week…
Note from Selena:
We have playing cards and we always love unconventional ways to learn math! These sound like a fun way to reinforce math skills!
[bctt tweet=”Use playing cards to help reinforce math skills! #LaughLearnLinkup”]
Sarah’s pick for this week…
Note from Sarah:
This post touched me deeply. As a mom of special needs children, with my own special needs as well, I know all to well that sometimes a diagnosis is a relief and sometimes it’s terrifying. Kim is very brave to speak up and help to educate others about Rett Syndrome. The more we all know about syndromes such as this, the more we can help one another to cope and move forward. I so look forward to the time when “no resident will say: “I am sick.” – Isaiah 33:24
[bctt tweet=”The Diagnoses We Never Wanted by @LifeOverCs #LaughLearnLinkup”]
Haley’s pick for this week…
Note from Haley:
I love these gifts and letting your little help is even better!
[bctt tweet=”Teacher Appreciation gifts your child can help you with by @worldwidewindow #LaughLearnLinkup”]
Lindsey’s pick for this week…
Note from Lindsey:
Routine is hard for me but something I am always working on. These are great tips to simplify things and make it doable.
[bctt tweet=”Ease back into your #Homeschool routine with tips by Little Log Cottage School #LaughLearnLinkup”]
Thanks to everyone who submitted a post. Please check out the post above by clicking on the image. If you enjoyed these picks as much as we did, please share them also!
Have you joined our Pinterest Board yet?
Follow Tina Ernspiker’s board #LaughLearnLinkup {Featured Favorites} on Pinterest.
Now give us your best posts!
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