I blog about boys’ learning and learning styles, both of which are fascinating. Finding out more about a boy’s learning style can be truly helpful and can make a bit difference in his learning life. If you have a bodily-kinesthetic learner use these tips to help him learn.
Teaching boys who have a bodily-kinesthetic learning style requires patience and may take a few adjustments to your homeschool routine.
The main thing to remember about bodily-kinesthetic learners is that they love to learn by doing and they need to be in motion. Boys with this learning style also like physical play such as wrestling and horse-play, they are always tapping, twitching about or swinging their foot, they may be athletic, they need to touch someone when they are talking to them, and almost every one of them has difficulty sitting still!
The great thing about this is that tailoring some of your boys’ learning toward his strengths will result in a better overall learning experience—for both of you.
Bodily-Kinesthetic Learning Style Tips:
Go Hands-On
Manipulatives are your friend. Use things like Cuisenaire Rods or LEGO Math Games and he will be more apt to dive in. Make your lessons hands-on if at all possible. Include things that he can use and manipulate. For example, if you are learning about the Eiffel Tower, make sure to provide materials so he can build a model of it.
Get Touchy Feely
If you want him to remember something put it in his hand. Let him touch it, feel it, take it apart, hold it, or re-build it. By doing this it becomes much easier for him to remember something about it.
Act It Out
Drama is big with many boys who have a bodily-kinesthetic learning style and using it is a great way for them to learn. If you need him to remember something, act it out together. Do an oral book report with a lot of action. Have him act out his answers in pantomime.
Get Loud
Yes, I really mean it. LOL I know some boys are pretty loud already but sitting quietly at a table trying to do work isn’t their style. Allow yelling out answers. Bang things around. Make it fun. If you are working on a project, choose one in which they can move, talk and get loud and you will have better luck.
Move About
Go out and about by using field trips, getting outside, seeing new places, or walking to the park. Get them out of the house and moving around. Getting out works great but sometimes you need to stay home. For those times have boys walk in place, jump, clap, smack, squish, slap, or tap while working. Any movement is going to benefit your boy.
It is true that doing things this way can take a bit longer but planning ahead can help and it is really worth the effort. Use hands-on activities, touching and feeling, acting, noise, and movement to help your boy who has a bodily-kinesthetic learning style. Give him what he needs and see his learning abilities grow.
What do you do to accommodate your bodily-kinesthetic learner? Share your tips in the comment section.

Get outside! My kids do so much better after they have been outside for a little while. Although, even my daughter who is not a kinesthetic learner, does much better after a walk, a swing or a jump on the trampoline. Great ideas! Thank you.
I agree. Getting out and about can change the whole day around!
I enjoyed putting together these tips on helping Bodily-Kinesthetic learners.
Thank you for allowing me to share my post with your readers!