Hi everyone! I got the chance to review four of the products in the Charlotte Mason Bundle for the Build Your Bundle sale and I thought I’d share our experiences with you all. You know, just in case you’re still on the fence about this great deal. 😉
The 2014 Build Your Bundle sale has ended. Look for next year’s sale! 🙂
I received all four of these products at no charge in exchange for this review. My opinions are my own and represent my honest assessment of each product. For details, see my Disclosure Policy. This post contains affiliate links, which help to support this site. Thank you!
The first product we tried from the Build Your Bundle Homeschool Sale is “50 States and Where to Find Them” from Barefoot Ragamuffin Curricula – a beautifully illustrated U.S. notebooking ebook with a separate student workbook download. Tigger read through the corresponding section in the ebook and then completed the activities.
Naturally, we started with the Southern U.S. section. 😉
After reviewing the southeastern state capitals, Tigger memorized them and filled in a blank map on her own.
After learning about Georgia history, including Sherman’s March to the Sea, she colored in the state flower (the Cherokee Rose) and the state bird (the Brown Thrasher). Then we looked up a picture of a live oak (the state tree), so she could draw one of her own.
We don’t have many live oak trees near Atlanta, but we had a lot of them near Savannah, where I grew up. Seeing that moss-covered old tree brought back a lot of memories. 🙂
Another CM-styled product we got to try was “Write from History” by Brookdale House. Copywork is an integral part of the Charlotte Mason method. It teaches handwriting, spelling, and grammar, without having to instruct children in those subjects separately. When you write from historical accounts, though, you also expose your children to history at the same time!
Tigger worked on the section that described the life of Louisa May Alcott as a young girl. After she read the account, she wrote a one-page summary and then copied a selected paragraph.
That is the look of a child who is proud of her cursive copywork. 🙂 Plus, she developed an interest in Louisa May Alcott, which is perfect because we’re reading Little Women this year!
Finally, we worked with the program “Sheldon’s NEW Primary Language Lessons” – a grammar program for kids in grades 3-6. It’s a nice, relaxed course in grammar that kids can basically complete on their own.
Each lesson builds on the other, so it’s easy to assign it and then let the kids work at their own pace. Tigger got to read short stories, create stories of her own, and answer questions about them – all while reinforcing concepts such as parts of speech and types of sentences.
The retail value of these four products is nearly $70, but you can get them plus 16 other Charlotte Mason curriculum products for just $49 in the Charlotte Mason Bundle at a savings of over 80%! Click the following image to find out about the other products in the Charlotte Mason package!
When you buy any bundle during the sale, you receive the “Bundle of Bonuses” – over $500 in free offers and downloads! Included in the Bundle of Bonuses is a Farm Unit from In All You Do! It’s an adorable multi-aged pack with a fun farm theme.
Roo completed one of the coloring pages and traced the sentence in print.
Pooh worked on a farm-themed word search. The word “harvest” kind of caught him off guard, because it ran diagonally, but he found the others pretty quickly.
Afterward, we cut out the super cute farm matching cards and the boys played a matching game. The look on their faces when they found a matching pair was priceless. 🙂
Don’t forget about the Bundle of Bonuses – more than $500 worth of free offers and products, including the Farm Unit from In All You Do, when you make any bundle purchase! Click the image below to learn more. 🙂
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