Today ended up being ABC day in our house. While I didn’t set out to work on letter recognition today, it just kind of…happened. But that’s homeschooling for you! 😉
Pooh and Roo, in particular, are at the age where they’re interested in learning the alphabet. And I’ve been wanting to teach them to “spot” letters, so it was a fine day for an ABC letter hunt!
Our ABC Letter Hunt
At the library last week, Roo picked out the book “The City ABC Book” by Zoran Milich and we read it last night before bed. It’s a really cute book, showing how you can find the ABCs in common city signs and buildings.
I don’t think I would have ever looked at a bicycle path marker and seen an uppercase “Q”.
Naturally, we had to spend today looking for letters in our house. Tigger spotted this uppercase “O” right away.
Pooh found a lowercase “r” – the nozzle on the lotion bottle. (That was a pretty good one, if I say so myself.)
I found lots of uppercase “H”s in the crosshatches of our board game chest.
And Roo found an uppercase “C” in our nursing pillow.
Have you had an ABC letter hunt with your kids? What letters can you find around your home? Let us know in the comments!
Keep on learning!
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