Now that we’re winding down first grade with Roo (yay!), I’ve been looking through the math objectives to make sure we touch on as many topics as possible. One of the major math concepts we still had to discuss was: measurement.
For Roo, though, life begins and ends with movement. So I wanted to make learning about measurement as fun as possible. Time to add in some monster trucks with a fun set of monster truck themed measurement for first grade printables!
These are a wonderful way to practice using rulers to measure to the nearest inch, half-inch, and quarter inch, especially if you have active kids who love all things transportation.
Check out our printable Monster Truck Measurement lesson and get a set of your own for FREE! And, for more ways to make math fun, take a look at our outdoor sidewalk chalk math game!
Monster Truck Measurement for First Grade Printables
To use these monster truck measurement for first grade printables, you’ll need the following: (Affiliate links included in this post. For details, see our Disclosure Policy.)
- Printer (with ink)
- Printer Paper
- Pencils
- A Ruler
All you have to do is print the worksheets and then follow the instructions!
Kids can choose from measuring to the nearest inch, the nearest half-inch, or the nearest quarter-inch. So these work well for teaching measurement for first grade, but also measuring skills for second grade and rising third grade students.
This product also includes a full answer key, so kids can check their work!

Monster Truck Measurement for First Grade Printables Lesson
Since it was Roo’s first time working on this topic, we started with learning to measure to the nearest inch.
After we talked about the importance of lining up the first line on the ruler with the start of the object, Roo was off and running!
I encouraged him to draw a line from the start of the object to the point at which it lined up with the ruler, and then the same with the end of the object.
The instructions say to measure to the nearest inch, so it was also a good time to talk about estimation. After Roo measured each line of trucks, he wrote down the number on the lines. Easy peasy!
Since Pooh is in second grade, he worked on measuring to the nearest half-inch.
And he ended up learning that .5 and 1/2 are the same thing! (We’re already working on third grade objectives, albeit unconsciously…lol.)
Don’t miss these other math activities you can do at home!
Plus, learn more about teaching math to kids by following my Math Mania board on Pinterest!
Get your copy of our free Monster Truck Measurement for First Grade Printables when you subscribe to our email newsletter! You’ll get these printables, plus lots of other freebies, in the Subscriber Library!