We’ve been talking about minimalist homeschooling a lot lately and I’ve shared lots of tips for scaling down your homeschooling supplies, books, paper, and more.
But what can you do if you’re homeschooling several children? I mean, you can’t really minimize them, right? 🙂
You can, however, minimize the way you teach them and that can make your entire homeschooling journey much, much simpler.
Here are some tips for teaching multiple children in your minimalist homeschool!
Tips for Teaching Multiple Children
Combine grades, if possible. I got this idea from a good friend who is homeschooling three sons. Since she has twins and one child that is one year younger, she’s teaching them all at the same level. When she told me that, a lightbulb went off in my head. After all, I have two boys who are one year apart.
When I asked my soon-to-be second grader if he wanted to learn along with his soon-to-be third grade brother, he said “I don’t want to skip second grade.” Which is fine. But we’re going to do a 2/3 year for the two of them. His brother will get a much needed review and he’ll get a chance to move on a little early. And, best of all, Mom will only have to plan one lesson for the two of them. Win!
Use technology to your advantage. When you teach multiple kids, it’s generally easier to teach some subjects with the kids all together. History, science, and geography come to mind. This is especially true when you want to watch a video, do an experiment, or complete a craft project.
This year, I’m going to use a LOT more videos in our homeschool. Then the video can do the teaching and the kids can write reports about what they learn. Since it’s tough for the kids to crowd around a computer screen, we’ll be using the YouTube channel on our Roku. If I find other things on my mobile device, I’m going to use a smartphone projector so that everyone can see. Simple, right?
Those are a few ways I’ll be teaching multiple children in our minimalist homeschool this year. For more on simplifying your homeschool, check out these posts!
Learn more about planning this homeschool year with my Homeschool Planning board on Pinterest!
This post is part of the How to Homeschool as a Minimalist series! Stop by tomorrow for Day 9: Skip the Overscheduling!
Betsy says
I don’t think I could survive homeschooling if I didn’t combine some of my kids’ studies! We work together on science, history, and read alouds, but leave math and personal reading to their own level. It definitely minimalizes my prep time!
Rebecca Reid says
My kids are so far apart in ages that I cannot combine. (Right now they are 8, 4, and 9 months). But I do intend to do a lot more with technology to help us figure it out! Especially this year since it’s my first year with two to “school”. (If PreK counts)