Our first unit from Teach Me Mommy is “Me and Myself” and it teaches kids all about, naturally, themselves. Day 1 was about learning the day of our birth and our vital stats. We started with Tigger detailing things she likes to do. Running around and playing made the top of the list and I am quite proud to say that watching TV was far, far down the list.
Then we made a growth chart to measure her height. I spent the greater part of an hour carefully taping together cardstock and measuring the correct height off the floor for the chart to be perfectly correct and then, of course, trimming the edges as evenly as humanly possible. (Did i mention I’m still doing the type A rehab?)
After copious effort, I anxiously taped the chart to the wall to measure Tigger and what happened was this….
The child is already almost at the top of this thing! Lesson of the day for Mommy: “It does not have to look perfect, especially if it turns out you can only use it for a few months”. On to the next activity:
We baked cookies in the shape of Tigger’s initials. and I’m not ashamed to say I used the store-bought ready-to-bake cookies to do it, so there!Prior to baking the cookies looked like this:
Okay, it’s officially time for a new cookie sheet….and yes, Tigger’s initials spell the word “sir”.
Say it with me, my fellow type A’s: “It doesn’t have to look perfect, since you’re going to eat it anyway”. Besides, Tigger seemed quite pleased with the result.