Piglet and I read the classic children’s story Harry the Dirty Dog together and she absolutely loved it.
So, we decided to share a simple art activity together that would help her connect with the events in the story.
And that’s how this super easy Harry the Dirty Dog activity came about.
This prewriting activity is simple enough to try with toddlers, tots, and preschoolers and you can prep it in just a few minutes.
Read on to get your copy of this fun toddler prewriting activity free!
And, for more fun with early education, don’t miss our list of 20 fun printable resources for preschool!
Harry the Dirty Dog Activity for Toddlers
This activity is extremely easy. Honestly. Plus, it’s guaranteed to get your little ones into the story!
What You’ll Need: (This post contains affiliate links. For details, see our Disclosure Policy.)
- The book Harry the Dirty Dog
- Crayola Dry Erase Crayons
- A copy of our Clean the Dirty Dog Printable
- A laminator
Once you print the Clean the Dirty Dog printable, run it through the laminator.
Then get out your dry erase crayons.
You’ll only need the black one.
I like the Crayola Dry Erase crayons, because they come with the cleaning mitt, which you’ll also need.

In the story, Harry hates taking baths, so he hides his scrubbing brush and runs away from home.
While he’s away, he gets super dirty – running through a construction site, sliding down a coal chute, and so on.
So our first step was to get our white dog dirtied up!
I just turned Piglet loose with the crayon.
Boy, he really got dirty, didn’t he?
Making our white dog dirty was probably Piglet’s favorite part of the entire activity.
When Harry returns home, he’s so dirty that his family doesn’t recognize him.
Frightened, he digs up the scrubbing brush, runs into the house, and jumps into the bathtub.
Once he’s all clean and scrubbed, the kids know that the black dog with white spots is actually Harry, their white dog with black spots.
Naturally, we had to clean Harry up too! And that’s where the dry erase mitt came in handy.
Aw…look how clean he is!
To do this art activity with your littles, get a copy of our free Clean the Dirty Dog printable below!
>>> Clean the Dirty Dog Printable Activity <<<
Want more book-related learning fun? Check out these posts!

This post is part of the Read It, Make It Book + Craft Week linkup from Emma Owl! Get 50 ideas for arts and crafts based on children’s books!